Dad had a fainting spell back in November, which was thought of as a stroke- because he didn't go to the hospital that day, we missed the opportunity to really see what happened. Through appointment after appointment we were told that he needed another chest X-ray - which led to a CT scan of his chest. From there he was sent to a thorasic surgon who did a biopsy -
Small Cell Carcinoma of the Lung. We have met with his oncologist at the hospital and have been told that there are a few more tests to be done before we meet with 'The Board'. All of which, these tests must be done before the 16th of April. Monday morning, 2 tests - an MRI and a Bone Test ( cannot remember what it is called).
My father is being brave and has yet to show how he feels. I have been brave too. It is not easy to do when you know that if you show weakness to someone who is sick, it does not help them in any way. I know that the strength I have is here somewhere and will present itself when I need it most. Just wondering when it'll show up.
This blog is something I can control. Somewhere I can write about how I feel and put all my energy into so that I can be strong when needed most. I feel that it is a good thing to do-instead of talking all the time about it to my friends.... My poor friends- whom have been here for me - I love them dearly. You all know who you are. And with out them I'd be a puddle of mush. Love em, Love em, Love em.
So, today starts my own battle with understanding what is happening, my feelings and coming to grips with dad who has Lung Cancer.
I hope to share this with who ever reads my ramblings and hope to inspire others to contirbute to my blog and share their stories too.
Shannon,Your strength is already there, what you are doing for him and not showing your fear.I read all the attachments and Mom had the same cancer thought Dads was another name.So I checked her reports from the hospital.I know how hard it is my best advice is let it out when you feel its the right time crying eases it a bit,I used to feel like my chest would explode,but I would go home and release some of it.Dad is strong but he knows your hurting he told me,You are doing great with all of this please dont think your not being strong and your right the strength does come out when we really need to.I am here for you and the family as well,call anytime day or night thats what family is for,We love you dont forget that,Sandra