Monday, August 22, 2011

To those who've lost to the retched 'C'.

'Cancer took him but he didn't give in...' Cbc news- Discussing Jack Layton's death from cancer.

I do feel helpless. I was asked not to long ago - 'how do you justify your loss'? (in relation to my dad's death) Huh? I still don't understand that question. Jack Layton's death sets the sadness deeper. I have never met the man- I did however vote for him. I sympathize with his family and friends on thier loss and wonder 'how they justify his death'. Could they possibly answer that question in their time of sadness? I would love to know how if possible, could they answer that question.

I do know that the sadness sets and is like a splinter to remove- if ever. It sets itself in some tissue, and skin and needs to be worked and pried to be let go... Jeezus, it's painful and very uneasy to deal with. But eventually you get that piece that sticks in you and you deal.

I wish for JL's family and friends that the splinter is not stuck in too deep that cannot be removed before too long; That the hurt is not too painful, the memories stronger than the pain and that his love will prevail all. Love him, remember him and never forget him. My words of wisdome. I wish that for everyone who has loved and lost someone close to them to the retched C.


  1. The American Cancer Society tracks cancer occurrence, including the number of deaths, cases, and how long people survive after diagnosis.

  2. Studying cancer as a progressive disease. News and comments on cancer research and / or development of a theoretical perspective.

  3. It was a day of grieving for the driving of Port Layton, who dropped his challenge to most cancers. His driving however came at the top of his job.
